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  4. フィリピンから外国人労働者を雇用する 特定技能労働者




フィリピンから外国人労働者を雇用する 特定技能労働者

Hiring Foreign Workers from the Philippines
Specified Skilled Workers

Hiring from the Philippines is now much easier. All you need is a reliable sending agency partner, duly accredited by the Department of Migrant and Workers (DMW) in the Philippines.

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has been replaced by the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW). Please note that the agency that regulates the employment of Filipino workers for overseas employment has changed; the DMW will now be responsible for the welfare of Filipino migrant workers. Additionally, Job Order certification at the POLO office is still required, but the process has been made easier and faster.

Matching workers and employees is a critical process for hiring workers from the Philippines. Prior to the pandemic, worker interviews would take place in the Philippines. Employers would travel to the Philippines to conduct interviews. They visit training centers in the Philippines to see what training the applicants have received. Some hiring companies also visit the homes of hired workers to meet their families. However, due to a pandemic, interviews are now conducted online. Both systems are considered equally effective, but the latter is preferred by many because of the time and cost involved.

Those who pass the interview apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE), are issued a visa, and are then sent to the airport by the sending agency from the Philippines. Upon arrival, the designated skilled worker is picked up at the airport by a support organization and escorted to his/her place of work. They are then introduced to their new environment of home and work.

Since the designated skilled workers can work again in the same occupation for which they have experience and qualifications, many of them were former technical intern trainees. They are very happy to be able to work in Japan again.

As a support organization, TSB Care Academy is a one-stop office for employment of foreign workers from the Philippines. Please contact us for more information.



フィリピン海外雇用庁(POEA)は、移民労働省(DMW)に変わりました。海外雇用のためのフィリピン人労働者の雇用を規制する機関が変わり、DMWがフィリピン人移民労働者の福祉を担当することになりましたので、ご注意ください。さらに、POLOオフィスでのJob Order認証はこれまで通り必要ですが、その手続きはより簡単かつ迅速になりました。






We forgot about the Japanese winter; we arrived in December and were surprised at how cold it was.

It was great to be back in a land with so many opportunities. I would like to do my best!

The former technical intern trainees arrived at Narita Airport. When asked what food they missed the most, they unanimously answered: ramen.
成田空港に到着した元テクニカルインターン研修生たち。一番恋しい食べ物は何かという質問に 彼らは異口同音にこう答えた: ラーメンです。

My goal is to improve my skills, my Japanese language, and prepare for the future.
